Tomorrow morning is the
Run the Reagan road race. They feature a 1 mile fun run, a 5k, a 10k, and a half marathon. If you have been reading long you will remember this race two times in my history. Two years ago I Ran the Reagan as my first half marathon, and last year I Ran the Reagan 5k as I was just getting back to running following my broken collar bone.
This year I was planning on running the Reagan with all three of my kids. I was actually thinking of doing a three race day and was going to run the 1 mile with my son, the 5k with my daughter Ashlee, and the 10k with my daughter Payton. Looking at the race starting times I was actually going to be able to work this out too. We ended up changing our minds this past Sunday when we looked at what it was going to cost us and all the other costs we have had to incur recently.
Since I decided to not Run the Reagan I decided I would volunteer instead. I really didn't want to let go being a part of the race. So tomorrow morning I will be showing up at 7:00 am 9:00 am and helping with the race day. Last year I volunteered and ran the race.
And this is where it gets interesting......

Today, we just got more snow than I can remember ever getting since we moved to Atlanta 10 years ago. I am not sure what the official count is, but I would say it was in the 3-5" range..... sure that is nothing for up north, but quite a bit for down here. To add insult to injury it is supposed to be in the mid 20's at race time tomorrow morning so there is no chance of anything melting off. This will be a snow and ice filled race.
The e-mail came just a few hours ago, and the website was updated. The race was still on however everything would be delayed by 2 hours off of the original schedule. There is still a possibility that more could change by morning, but I hope we awake to find that the Reagan is clear enough to run on.
All things do tend to work out in a way for some reason. Shortly after deciding not to run this race this past Sunday I went out for a 10 miler. 6 miles into the run my right calf started to tighten up. By the time I went to bed that evening I was in a lot of pain. It is feeling much better now, but with it the way it is there is no way I would have been able to run even one of these races...... let alone all 3 like I was thinking.