A Week Of Firsts

This past week has been a week of firsts for me. The week started with my first 16 mile run. As the week progressed the week turned out to be one of my best weeks ever.

The first of the week was the end of my longest mileage month, the month of August at over 140 miles. By the time the week ended I had put in over 40 miles, run my first 18 mile long run, as well as my first 3 hour+ run. You can see all my stats over at my running log at RunningAhead.

I am sure this is just the beginning of firsts as I train for my first marathon. It has been a fun week and I look forward to many more to come.

Now if I can just get my eating under control.....

Tim Wilson - blog.262quest.com - subscribe - follow - virtual4now


  1. Tim, congrats on the week / Month of firsts. Good luck on continued training toward your first marathon. Can't wait to read about your experience.

  2. So with you on the eating! And the running actually. :)

  3. Great job Tim, it's always exciting to say "this is the longest I've ever run"...

    The marathon will be here before you know it..you'll do great!

  4. new mileage milestones are always enjoyable :) good luck with the nutrition... i'm constantly battling that one. too much, too little, too much, too little... sigh.

  5. new mileage milestones are always enjoyable :) good luck with the nutrition... i'm constantly battling that one. too much, too little, too much, too little... sigh.
