To Run or not To Run

Since seeing the Doctor last week I have not yet got up the nerve to get out for a test run. The pain I had last week when I woke up still seems to be lingering around a bit. It is not as bad as it was that first day, but I have had enough pain to not yet go out for my trial run.

The latest development in my collar bone injury has been the pain around where the pin was put in. I will avoid most of the details, but I have a pin in my collar bone and it protrudes a little on the top of my shoulder. For the most part this has not been too painful.... until this past Sunday. This past Sunday it started giving me sharp pains, some so bad that I had to actually check to make sure it had not poked through the skin. It felt like someone had stabbed my shoulder with a knife.

I am beyond getting anxious, I really want to get back out and run. Running has been on my mind, and I get frustrated when I cannot run. I have been thinking so much about running in this running hiatus that I even ordered me a new pair of running shoes. I didn't order my favorite shoes this time because the place I ordered them from didn't have my size, instead I ordered the New Balance 1123. We will see how these go. If they don't feel OK it looks like I may have to see them on eBay or maybe I should give them away here on my blog..... hmmm, we will see.

I am hopeful I will be able to start running again in the next couple weeks, wish me luck!

Tim Wilson -


  1. Being injured is just about the hardest thing when you run, but believe me - don't rush it! You may be forced into an even longer rest period if you go for it too soon (speaking from experience, anyway). Best to you,


  2. Good Luck with your recovery. The shoulder pin/pain sounds awful. Must be really frustrating. Hope it comes right soon and you can get out there in your new shoes!

  3. I figured this would be really tough for you as one can really pick up your love of running from reading your posts about it. I'll echo what Metroknow said - don't rush it.

  4. Oh my gosh. I'm sorry this is going on so long. I hope the pain subsides soon and you can get back at it.

  5. Hey - thanks for all the comments!

    I am frustrated, but holding my own. I am doing OK without running right now, but it is still summer and not a lot of races going on. This fall when the races start happening I will get really frustrated if I am not trained up for them. I have one specific one that I missed last year due to a pulled muscle that I really will be bummed if I have to miss again.

    So, how have you dealt with it when you haven't been able to run for a long period of time? Did you take the extra time and just eat more :) or did you get out and do other things? I know each injury is different so this could get all kinds of answers, but am still curious.

    Thanks again for reading!

  6. Boy Tim, you are certainly getting the short stick in all of this.

    Please don't rush into running, think of the long term, you want to be able to manage later on in life. This is just a speed bump...take great care Please!!!

    Just take your time, I'm sending good thoughts your way from Ottawa!
