Running - My New Lifestyle

If you would have asked me a year ago if I would be running at all a year later, I would have laughed at you. No telling what I would have said if you told me I would be training for and one month away from my first Half Marathon.

One year ago, I was 80 lbs heavier, and getting ready to see one of the most drastic changes in lifestyle that I had ever seen. You can read about and follow my continuing journey at my other blog:

While still in high school over 20 years ago, I was an avid runner. I ran and lettered in Cross Country, was a long distance runner in Track, and my neighbor and I would run 6 miles a day for fun over the summer. While still in high school I ran my first 10k, the Rose Run, in Jackson Michigan.

Over the next 20+ years I let life happen and only ran once or twice every few years, only to find that I wasn't physically fit enough, and it was too hard. I could only run about 100 yards before almost collapsing. It usually only took a few days of torturing myself before I would give up again for another few years.

As you can see in my other blog: I started walking at the beginning of 2007. I decided that if I was going to make this lifestyle change last I needed to start out slow and do what I could actually maintain. I didn't even think about running at all, and really had no hope to. It wasn't till a couple of months into my journey that I even thought about trying to run at all.

My first 5k was the Saratoga 5k Fun Run in May of 2007, where I finished dead last in 36:37, but it was a new race and only about 25 runners with no walkers. From there I kept training and increasing my endurance and was able to finish my first 10k in over 20 years when I ran the Peachtree Road Race on July 4th in 1:03:59.

Shortly after the 10k I hurt my leg so ended up spending the next few months running very little and trying to heal. In October I was able to start turning up the heat a bit and started adding mileage as I continued to lose weight, gain endurance, and speed up.

In the last quarter of 2007 I have made progress that I could only dream of. I have run multiple 5k races which you can see on my running log at I brought that PR of 36:37 in May down to 25:02 by the end of the year in a New Years Eve 5k race. I also set a new PR in an 8k of 40:09 in a December run.

I am currently training for my first Half Marathon, which is just over 1 month away. I will be running the Run The Reagan Half Marathon in Snellville GA, which is just a couple miles from my house. I am confident that I will be able to finish as I have already run a long run of 13.1 miles in training. I am hoping for a time under 2 hours, but am not too concerned about the time right now, but rather just the accomplishment.

As the blog name explains, I am on a Quest to a Marathon. I would have never in a million years guessed I would have been saying that, but I know now, after what I have been through over this past year that I will be able to accomplish that goal.

Thanks for stopping by and reading my story. Please come back often as I continue to blog about my journey and Quest for a Marathon.

The Slow Approach is better than the No Approach!


  1. Do you have a marathon in mind???

    I look forward to following your progress


  2. Mike, Thanks for stopping by and being my very first Comment!

    Yea, ultimately. But right now I am focused on the Half. I don't even have a date or race to think about for the Marathon yet. I am sure there are plenty around Atlanta though when I get ready.

    I am thinking some time in the fall though.


  3. Keep it up man! I'm happy to see you're doing this for yourself. It also helps to inspire all the rest of us. It is a good example for everyone.

  4. not sure why i've never noticed the link to this post before, but it's a great one.

    impressive to look back and see how far you've come Tim. you should be very proud of yourself.

    just look at the difference in the photo in the post and on your sidebar - amazing!

    keep up the good work...


  5. Thanks Steve - I really appreciate it!

    I have to keep looking at those pics.... and remember them when I am down because I can't run much.

    Thanks again!

  6. Wow, that's very inspiring. Keep it up!

  7. That was an adventure! very inspiring story.. more posts Tim!

  8. Sam - thanks for stopping by and the kind words. You are doing the best thing you can do..... starting! Keep it up, and before you know it you too will be running a marathon! :)

  9. I really like your enthusiasm to make a change. Keep on going.

  10. Keep up the good work.Im running a half marathon in october,its called myrtle beach mini half marathon,hope to finish in 2:15.Iwas at the swat trot also I finished 2 in my age grop 45-49

  11. I really like your enthusiasm to make a change. Keep on going.
