Still Holding Out

I needed to catch everyone up a little bit. It has now been almost two months since the surgery, and I am still not running. You may recall a couple weeks ago that I was going to go for a trial run with the Doctors blessing. My shoulder has not yet felt good enough to feel like I could go for a run without injuring it further. The pain from the pin that I mentioned here is starting to subside so I know things are moving in the right direction, just not as fast as I had hoped.

Since it is the middle of August now, I am starting to lose hope for some of the fall races that I was hoping to do. I may still be able to run by that time, but will not be in the shape I need to be by the time the races come around. Everyone around me continues to run and some of my friends are training for a fall half marathon which is making me intensely jealous.

I will be headed back to the doctor in just over a week so hopefully he will give me more of a green light this time.

That is it for now, just wanted to touch base and keep everyone up to date.

Tim Wilson -


  1. Here's to a speedy recovery! Take care of your'll be back running before you know it! :)

  2. It must be incredibly frustrating. But I'm glad to see you are being sensible and letting it heal properly.

  3. Fingers crossed for the next doctor's visit. I can only imagine how frustrated you are....


  4. Gwen, Andrew, and Steve -

    Thanks for your kind words and for stopping by my home in virtual land. I am frustrated, but keep reminding myself that I will be able to run again. It is not like this is an injury that won't heal. I am still very fortunate!

    Thanks again!
