One thing that I do know for sure is that without this blog and it's dedicated readers I would never have accomplished what I have in running over these past three years. Maybe it was the congrats for that first half marathon in early 2008, or encouragement and well wishes while getting through the healing and time off from the broken collar bone experienced just a few months later in a 5k race. I know the training for and crossing the finish line of my first marathon in 2009 wouldn't have been possible without the constant comments, feedback, and encouragement from all of you, and the same holds true for my second marathon in 2010. All that I learned from all of you during this time could never be replaced and won't be forgotten.
Thank You To All My Readers!
One thing that I do know for sure is that without this blog and it's dedicated readers I would never have accomplished what I have in running over these past three years. Maybe it was the congrats for that first half marathon in early 2008, or encouragement and well wishes while getting through the healing and time off from the broken collar bone experienced just a few months later in a 5k race. I know the training for and crossing the finish line of my first marathon in 2009 wouldn't have been possible without the constant comments, feedback, and encouragement from all of you, and the same holds true for my second marathon in 2010. All that I learned from all of you during this time could never be replaced and won't be forgotten.
A Cold Ten Miler, The First Since The Marathon
The setback of being hurt so soon after the marathon, and the holidays being upon us sent me down the same path I went last year following my first marathon. I have had some decent running, but have not run too many days in a row before this week because I didn't want to run the risk of re-injury. The fear of re-injury has also kept my long runs somewhat.... how should I say it..... short.
10 miles,
long run,
running with kids
My Birthday Gift Giveaway Winners
To everyone that commented and wished me a Happy Birthday, Thank You! For those of you that guessed I did turn 41, but I am not sure what gave it away..... I will just have to say you are all just really really smart and some of you must have Googled to find out how old the more famous Tim Wilson's were. :)
Today Is My Birthday But YOU Get The Gift!
Now That's What I'm Talking About!
Yesterday I came home from work and my daughter Payton was waiting for me. Five minutes later we were out the door in the 49 degree temperatures for a nice quick 4 mile run before we came home, showered, and hit the road to go see a movie.
Giveaway - Meb Keflezighi's Run to Overcome
On with the giveaway. I am going to be giving away a copy of Run to Overcome before I will even read it. This copy will not be autographed unfortunately, but will be a brand new unread copy shipped directly to you by none other than Amazon. This giveaway will be provided solely by me and is in no way sponsored by or provided by anybody other than me. Of course if the Tyndale House Publishers wants to contact me and offer to provide this giveaway copy I would more than oblige, and would love to have a copy to read myself. :)
running books
Blogger Ultimate Holiday Gift Exchange
Black Toenail Polish?
I have never wore black toenail polish before and I don't plan on wearing it anytime soon just for the record. Another thing I have never had before was black toenails from running. I have run a marathon, multiple half marathons, and many other small races and I don't ever recall having a black toenail or losing one. I did come close at one time with a toenail that looked a little off but it eventually grew out, but never fell off.
black toenails,
Arctic Blast 2010 - Is this really Georgia?
This past week has been colder than normal in the Atlanta area, in fact I think we set a new low temperature record yesterday at 14 degrees.
Sunday I went out for my longest run since the marathon and then back issues and finished 6 miles. It was 28 degrees, windy, and snowed the entire time I was running. It wasn't a snow that would stick, but it made it much more enjoyable to run. I ran at Tribble Mill Park and we were one of a very small group of people that were at the park that day, in fact the entire time we were there our car was the only one in the parking lot.
hand warmers,
Things Are Looking Up
I am excited to get the mileage and training back to where it was but time will bring that soon enough (OK, soon enough may be a bit of an overstatement - I want to be back where I was NOW!)
The Test Run
I started with a walk just to give it one last go at a brisk pace just to make sure there was no pain and there was none. I started the two miles out really easy tuned in to every stride and every part of my back, butt, and legs. I was ready to stop if anything at all came up and started to cause any pain or discomfort. The run went really good and I didn't experience any pain whatsoever. My legs were a little tight as I would expect them to be after not running for 9 days, but they still felt fine and didn't fatigue at all throughout the run.
Is it time for a Test Run?
I have not been running and I have been taking it very easy. I have also been stretching and using a heating pad at night. This all seemed to be helping when I was doing it, but it really didn't seem to be progressing at all.
Not Running is a Pain in the Butt
back pain,
sciatic nerve
Post Marathon Running in Indiana
Yesterday we were dropped off at the far end of the trail near the bridge and the creek. We ran the trail system all the way back to the beginning and then the mile back to the house. The trail starts by running a couple miles down an old railroad bed and ends at a road. There is a sign but it is not very clear and we had to guess as to which way to go. The trail then runs about a mile on the country roads before meeting back up with the trails to finish off the last mile.
marathon training,
post marathon,
Reflecting on my marathon training and preparation
When I started this marathon training back in July I made some plans on what I was going to do. I told everyone that I wanted to lose 20 lbs from the current 183 that I was. If I told you I met that goal, or even tried very hard I would be lying. I am currently the same that I was on that very optimistic day back in the middle of summer, and yet I am now facing the unforgiving "They plump when you cook em" holidays. This doesn't change the fact that I still want to do something about it, it is just not the best time of year to set that goal in motion. Last year for my first marathon I weighed only 177.
marathon training,
post marathon,
Soldier Marathon 2010 - 3:58:03
My views once again started to change and become more optimistic when I ran the 13.1 Marathon series Altanta Edition. This race once again gave me hope that I would complete the marathon. It wasn't till my taper and just one week out from race day that I actually set my goal of sub-4 My calf and Achilles was still bothering me somewhat and I knew I had missed a key long run, but I knew if I didn't set a stretch goal I would never make it.
race day,
Soldier Marathon
Shaking it out the day before the marathon
I am still not feeling great (sick runner) but today's run proved that all the breathing passages are cleared for takeoff. If I feel this good tomorrow I will be fine. I just need to keep on my eating plan (my plan) and keep the fluids flowing and all will go good.
I am getting ready to head out for some breakfast with my wonderfully supportive wife and then take care of some last minute errands and then we will be heading off to Columbus to hit the expo, pick up my bib and chip, and then take it easy the rest of the day.
Wish me luck! :)
marathon training,
Soldier Marathon
Only Three Days..... and I AM GETTING SICK!
Last night and this morning my throat started to hurt. This is not a good sign. This is usually the start of a really kicker sinus infection or messed up tonsils. I usually can slow this type of sickness or even stop it by getting out and running to get the blood pumping and all the passages all cleared out, but I have one small problem...... I can't run, because it is taper time!
Please, please, please!
marathon training,
Soldier Marathon,
What am I eating? The days before The Marathon
One thing I never really thought much about before this attempt was the way I ate the week leading up to the marathon. In all my races, and even in last years marathon I really only thought about the one meal that everyone talks about - the carb loading you do the night before a race, especially a marathon.
marathon training,
Soldier Marathon
Georgia Cross Country State Championships
This year Payton was running solid all year long, PR'ing early in the season and not looking back. She had one tough race where she was sick while running, but the rest of the season she progressively lowered her times and continued to learn and run smarter all the time. She ran ranked first for her team most of the year mainly due to some other girls injuries. Luckily for the team those girls were on the mend and came back strong to help the team finish great in yesterday's state meet.
cross country,
running with kids,
15 Miles To Go
Yesterday I finished off one last harder/faster run when I ran a 4 mile tempo run at a progressive pace. I ran the first mile at a conservative pace and then kicked it up each mile to finish off the last mile at a 7 minute pace. The run felt great and it is so nice to see speed after being in marathon training for a while and focusing on distance.
marathon training,
Soldier Marathon,
Cross Country Regionals
The Brookwood girls swept both the JV and Varsity races and both Ashlee and Payton played a key part in those wins. Both of them had a great day and ran great despite the late start of the race and the seemingly slow times that everyone was crossing with. In cross country the top 5 for each team are the scorers for the team and both of them crossed 5th overall in their respective races.
cross country,
running with kids,
The Home Stretch (aka taper)
marathon training,
Soldier Marathon,
A PR Like No Other
family running,
race day,
running group
We have a winner!
There were 27 official entries, 26 blog posts and one e-mail that I did receive stating that they were a follower. Not sure if they meant that they were a follower of my blog, or of my Facebook Fanpage, but both count :)
It's All Downhill From Here
November 13th and the Soldier Marathon is just around the corner and I have run the last of my 20 milers. It is all down hill from here. It is amazing the journey that I have been on these past few months. I have had ups and downs along the way. Times when I thought I was going to be able to crush the 4 hour barrier and other times when I was wondering if I was going to even make the starting line. It was only just a month ago when I injured my calf and was wondering if I would be able to recover in time to run the marathon, much less the half marathon in the 13.1 Marathon series when it came to Atlanta.
Coach Wood Invitational
The course is a two loop course and is laid out pretty good, especially for the spectators. We are able to watch the runners at multiple locations, especially if we want to do some running ourselves. The starting was laid out a bit wrong this year and it ended up putting a protruding manhole directly in the path of some of the runners at the start. Of course one of the lucky teams was Brookwood.
cross country,
family running,
race day,
running with kids,
Have you ever got lost on a run?
This morning was going to be a little bit different than most morning runs for me. I dropped my daughter Payton off at school for Cross Country practice this morning at 5:40 and just headed to work to run there since I needed to get 10 miles in and didn't want to break the run into two 5 mile runs like I did last week.
10 miles,
technical issues
Time For Another Giveaway!

1,000 Miles and Counting
1000 miles,
Sometimes 20 Miles Is More Mental Than Physical
Three weeks ago I ran my first 19 miler of this marathon training schedule. It was a challenge, but I don't remember thinking that I wouldn't make it (maybe I have already forgotten) During that run around 13 miles I started to feel a tightness in my left calf. I continued my run paying close attention to make sure it didn't get any worse. It turned out to be the wrong decision and I should have quit at the first sign of something not being right. (you can read more about it here) After all was said and done I ended up with two weeks of a lot of rest...... right in the middle of marathon training! Not only was it right in the middle of marathon training, but was the two weeks around what was supposed to be my first 20 mile run, as well as the two weeks leading up to my mid-training half marathon race, the 13.1 Atlanta.
20 miles,
long run,
marathon training,
Sony Walkman
Another Two PR's - But Not For Me
This past Saturday my daughter's both ran in the Great American Cross Country Festival in Cary, NC just outside of Raleigh. This was a very competitive meet, so much so that the winner of the boys and girls races both set new course records at 15:00 flat for the boys, and Aisling Cuffe won the girls race setting a new course record of 16:40 and was almost a full minute in front of #2.
cross country,
family running
13.1 Marathon - Atlanta 2010
The morning started early, as most race mornings do, and we hit the road at 5:30 to make the trip down I85, over to Peachtree Road, and into the closest parking place we could find near Oglethorpe University. I rode down with my neighbors who were also running the race. The morning was very cool at 55 degrees, which felt even colder in Atlanta with the wind that didn't seem to let up all morning.
The 20 miler that wasn't
The miles have been way down this past week, but I have managed to get out every other day for at least 2 miles. Each day the calf felt much better and I think I am ready to start ramping up the mileage a little bit over the next couple days. I will still take it easy so I don't end up with a re-lapse though.
A step in the wrong direction
Last Thursday I went out early in the morning for some hill repeats. The workout went great and I got some good trash your legs hills in. As is the case with any good workout, my legs were hurting for a couple days after the hills, especially my calves. I wasn't feeling any injury type pain in my legs or calves so I was not worried in the least.
Grease Lightning
Wow is all that I can say! I was really not feeling it this morning, and had no motivation to run going to bed last night or getting up this morning. My girls needed to be at the school for XC practice at 5:40 this morning and I needed to do a workout.
The problem was that I wasn't going to be able to get my 6x800's in early enough to get back home to get them to school by 5:40 considering the drive to the track, the warm up, the 800's and then the drive home just to turn around again and drive them back to the school by 5:40. If I was going to pull this off I was going to have to get up by 4:00 am which I was not willing to do today.
The first two cross country meets
Two weeks ago was the first official meet of the season, however it was not a typical 5k cross country distance. The Stage Races at River Green in Duluth are a series of 5 - 2 mile races, typically getting faster each stage till the 5th stage. They are all scored together so it is best for the coach to put their fastest runner in each stage, that is not too fast to blow away the stage so they would be better used in the faster stage. The boys and girls run these races together which also makes for an interesting dynamic.
cross country,
family running,
running with kids,
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